Fiesta de la primavera

We start the season with the traditional Spring Festival that we celebrate every year, which is always for the benefit of an NGO. This year the proceeds will go to Educaclown. Educaclown is a young non-profit organization created at the end of 2015 in Mallorca and formed by a complete team with extensive experience in the field of social work. We currently collaborate with the Consell de Mallorca, Son Espases Hospital, IMAS Geriatric Hospital and Proyecto Hombre, among others. Its website is

Agenda: The spring festival is supportive, fun and full of learning. We are preparing a full agenda of activities for the whole family to enjoy. Soon we will give you more information about it.

Date: Saturday 22nd March 2024

Schedule: 10 to 15:00 h

Price: Entrance to the venue, with all activities included except food and drink, will be 4€. The price is the same for everyone from the age of two upwards. All proceeds will benefit Educaclown.

Capacity: limited to 500 pax


