June 8th, 2016,

The event took place at the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca and was attended by his Vice-President and spokesperson of the Executive Commission of the Mallorca Classic Week
Mr. D. Álvaro Middelmann and Mr. D. Antonio Zaforteza, CEO of Ocibar SA. We also presented the representatives of BMW, Balearia, Sixt, and Melia, main sponsors of the MCW.

From September 21st through 25th for the first time in Mallorca, the owners of classic and super yachts will meet with friends of historic automobiles and motor bikes. The  spectacular Marina of Port Adriano, designed by Philippe Starck, will be the perfect setting for this event with a wide variety of attractions.

The event program offers an exciting week of elegance and pleasure. There will be “Pleasure Drives” for clubs or individual drivers of classic cars, as well as for visitors in modern premium cars. Road books in pdf format will be available or (free) download from www.portadriano.com. The weekend will bring a Classic Festival with more than 100 classic vehicles on show, plus an American Car Show completed with DJ and “PinUp”- girl-contest, the Mallorca Sight Seeing Drive and, last but not least, the International Concours d’Elégance. Sponsorship partners will contribute to the success of the event, Sixt rent-a-car will offer a welcome cocktail, BMW Group will celebrate its centennial showing

“The Next 100 Years” of BMW.

Admitted are automobiles and motorbikes manufactured prior to 1991. The number of cars participating is limited.

The admission to Port Adriano will be free to all visitors and food and drinks will available at “family prices”. Net revenues generated from inscriptions and sponsorships will go to the benefit of Mallorca Sense Fam and the Joy Ron Foundation.

For further information please contact

mcifre@portadriano.com or Volker.Lange@mallorcaclassicweek.com


